Payson Junior High Choir

Submitted by doug.lai on

Mrs. Ingrid Bolz brought her choirs to perform for the students at Spring Lake Elementary. Several of whom went to Spring Lake as students. It was a fun assembly with amazing talents.

#unexpected #springlakehawks #springlakeelem #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted

Reaction Time

Submitted by doug.lai on

Discovery Gateway came to the school and taught us about chemical reactions. The presenter did several experiments that showed us examples of chemical and physical changes. Each class had a session of their own where they were able to conduct experiments and determine if their reaction was physical or chemical. Check out live videos on our Facebook page. 

#unexpected #springlakehawks #springlakeelem #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted

Second Grade Fun

Submitted by doug.lai on

Second Grader's had fun at their Grinch Party last week. This week they are making gingerbread houses. Pictured is Mrs. Penick's Class.

#unexpected #springlakehawks #springlakeelem #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted

Find Santa's Bag

Submitted by doug.lai on

Mr. Lai's and Mrs. Taylor's classes had fun learning about Christmas around the world as they found clues and answered questions to find out where Santa left his bag. Luckily they found it, so presents can be delievered Christmas Eve.

#unexpected #springlakehawks #springlakeelem #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted