Veteran's Day Assembly

Submitted by doug.lai on

In Mrs. Ray's 4th grade class, they have been learning about what a Veteran is.  On November 9th, the class shared their new knowledge of "who" a Veteran is with the whole school. Lots of servicemen and women who represented all military branches .  They sang songs, put on a skit, and also honored those Veteran's in our audience. community, and throughout our country. There was a suprise for one student whose dad flew in just to be here. A couple of otheres got a surprise when their dad Facetimes from Dubai, staying up late to talk to students.

Mr. Shaw

Submitted by doug.lai on

Mr. Shaw spends each morning on outside recess duty. The students love to play the fun games he has going while they wait for school to start. He does pull-up competitions, basketball shoot out, and he tests the students math skills on our hundreds chart. The students look forward to competing each morning and he always rewards students with high fives and positive praise for trying their very best. We are so blessed to have him at our school to support our staff and help our students reach their full potential. 

Kaylee Pehrson

Clark Planetarium

Submitted by doug.lai on

Clark Planetarium came to show students different science experiments and a real meteorite. Students got to help with several and Mrs. Caldwell got to help make a rocket. 

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