President Obama Speaks to Students

Submitted by doug.lai on

Tuesday 14th of September 2010 was an important day for the students all over the nation as President Barrack Obama took time out of his day to talk to students and the importance of education and doing their best.

“Nobody gets to write your destiny but you.  Your future is in your hands.  Your life is what you make of it.  And nothing -- absolutely nothing -- is beyond your reach, so long as you’re willing to dream big, so long as you’re willing to work hard.  So long as you’re willing to stay focused on your education, there is not a single thing that any of you cannot accomplish, not a single thing.  I believe that.”

 “But let me tell you, what you’re doing is worth it.  There is nothing more important than what you’re doing right now.  Nothing is going to have as great an impact on your success in life as your education, how you’re doing in school.”

 For a full transcript please visit:

Book Fair

Submitted by doug.lai on

Tuesday September 21st PTA sponsored a doughnut morning to kick off the book fair at Spring Lake Elementary. Teachers came in to read to students while they ate doughnuts.

Scholastic is a great partner with the PTA in helping our school. Nebo Credit Union also donated $25 to classroom teachers who have an account with them. We are grateful for the support we get from the community.

Third Grade Checks Out Teeth

Submitted by doug.lai on

Friday the 10th of September was an exciting day for 3rd grade students at Spring Lake Elementary as Dr. Adam N. Lee’s Red Rock Orthodontics office came to visit to go along with the Literacy Place story students read about Dr. De Soto by William Steig.

Tonya Cherrington came in and did a presentation about how it is important to take care of their teeth. We also got to see some interesting x-rays of teeth that came in wrong.

PTA Carnival

Submitted by doug.lai on

Spring Lake is hosting its first PTA Carnival on Friday September 17th from 5 – 8 PM. There will be a bounce castle,  balloon animals, face painting, fish pond, ring toss, soda pop walk, come and get your teacher wet in the fun flush.  Every player is a winner! (a prize for every play) 

There will be hot nachos, cotton candy, popcorn.  We will be pre-selling punch cards with enough punches for each of the 10 activities for $5.00 ($6.00 the night of) and Meals (hot dog, can of soda, bag of chips) for $2.50 same price pre-purchase or day of. All food items will be $1.00 pre-sale or day of except nachos which are $2.00. 

 Pre-sale will be Wed Sept 15th and Thurs Sept 16, 30 min before and after school.  We are still in need of volunteers to help with shifts in some of the food booths.  We will have a sign up sheet at back to school night. Please contact Wendy Smith if you are interested in helping. wendy.smith [at] (wendyssmith[at]gmail[dot]com) or 465-1740