March 2023

Dance Festival

Submitted by angela.youd on

Recently a group of our 2nd grade students participated in the Nebo School District Dance Festival. They performed with other schools from all over the district and were the only elementary school in the show. They performed wonderfully and were a show favorite!! They represented Spring lake very well. Great job kids! 

Melanie Fillmore

Penny Wars

Submitted by angela.youd on

Penny Wars Fundraiser runs March 20-29! Students can donate right in their own classrooms. At the end of the week the winning class gets a pizza party! 


Employee of the Year!

Submitted by angela.youd on

Our very own Rachelle Randall was nominated for Nebo Classified Employee of the year award. She does a great job here at Spring Lake! Because of her great work here, not only did she get the Employee of the year award, she also won a trip to Disneyland! 

School Breakfast Winners

Submitted by angela.youd on

We celebrated school breakfast week this week with some fun games and activities during breakfast, a coloring contest, and a raffle! Winners of the coloring contest were Claire Gunderson and Viviana Reynoso. Winners of the bike are Brady Phillips and Finley Barnett! Congrats!!

District Dance Specialist

Submitted by angela.youd on

Spring Lake Elementary is completing a six week residency with District Dance Specialist, Melanie Fillmore. Mrs. Fillmore is part of the Beverly Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program and is a member of the curriculum coaching staff.  During her visit she models for teachers the use of dance and movement as a teaching tool for core subjects in math, science, social studies, and literature. 

Melanie Fillmore