Welcome Mrs. Clements!

Submitted by denise.taylor on
Picture of Mrs. Clements

I interviewed the new second grade teacher,  Mrs. Clements.  The first question I asked was,  "Have you gone to any other schools before this or did you just come here?  She said she had taught for 15 years. She has taught kindergarten, first grade and second grade. She taught in Arizona for kindergarten at Augusta Ranch Elementary School.

I also asked what she thought the best part of Spring Lake was. She said, "The students are hard workers, great at listening, kind, and love to have fun."  She moved from Arizona to Utah and she was hoping to get hired here because it is close and she heard a lot of good things about Spring Lake. She told me she loved the school and the administration and students.

When asked about their family she said she has five children ages 7, 9,12,15,  and 9 again.  She said she likes second grade but would  be happy teaching any grade.   Mrs. Clements favorite author is Mo Willems.  Her favorite quote is by an unknown six year old that said "My teacher thought I was smarter than I was,  so I was."

Article by Hawk Squad Journalist, Crusik Dorton