Mr. Lai Receives PEAK Award

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March 2018 Nebo PEAK Award Winners

Nebo School District wants to showcase our Positive Energy and Kind employees. PEAK Awards are nominated by patrons and recognized by the Superintendent Staff and Nebo School Board of Education. The award is administered by the Communications and Community Relations Department.

Doug Lai, Teacher, Spring Lake Elementary
Nominated by: Teresa Jordan
“It is an honor to recognize Doug Lai for a Peak Award. He provides exceptional service at Spring Lake Elementary every single day. In addition to teaching fifth grade, he is our resident technology guru. He faithfully manages all of our social media accounts, updates and maintains our website, takes care of all technology related needs and issues at the school and is always there to lend a hand to anyone at any time. He often gives up his planning time or stays beyond his contract hours to help with needs around the school. Doug goes above and beyond expectations in other areas as well. To share just a few examples, he helped coordinate gifts and flowers for a family who had lost their father to cancer, contributed money to help a family in need, donated time and materials for student events and spent hours cutting out key chains and cookie cutters for our students on his 3D printer at home. Just last week, a student was missing and Mr. Lai was the first one to jump in his vehicle and drive the neighborhoods until the student was found.”

Lana Hiskey and Teresa Jordan