Kindergarten Registration

Submitted by doug.lai on

Kindergarten registration has changed to now coincide with the regular registration dates instead of in the Spring. You can register your Kindergarten student in July or August. Keep an eye on the Spring Lake website for the official registration dates.

State Capitol

Submitted by doug.lai on

The fifth-grade classes at Spring Lake Elementary recently enjoyed a fantastic field trip to the State Capitol in Salt Lake City on February 5th, 2019. They enjoyed learning about the vital work that goes on at the Capitol for our state’s citizens. While there, students had an opportunity to see the state legislature in action by observing in both the senate and house galleries.

Legislative Session

Submitted by doug.lai on

Fifth-grade students have been watching part of the Legislative Session. Today they were talking about a bill that had to do with education in the House. They will be going to the Capitol tomorrow.