Hope of America

Submitted by doug.lai on

Tonight fifth-graders from Spring Lake will be participating in Hope of America. 

You can live stream the performance:


Join us as over 8,000 5th grade students from over 100 Utah schools come together in red, white, and blue to form the American Flag. Experience the patriotism as young students celebrate America’s freedom through song, choreography, and Sign Language. Don’t miss one of Freedom Festival’s most popular events. Mark your calendar to attend one of our three evening performances!

Kindergarten Lunch

Submitted by doug.lai on

What an exciting day for Kindergarten Students who go tto eat lunch in the lunch room today!

#unexpected #springlakehawks #springlakeelem #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted #ThankATeacher

Mrs. Pehrson

Submitted by doug.lai on

Why did you decide to become a teacher?: I want children to know that they matter and have value to me even if they don't receive that at home.

How long you been teaching?: 5 years

College: UVU

Hometown: Mona

Something not many people know about you: I am double jointed in my thumbs.

I love teaching...: Math and Social Studies